Pfilates: Heather's Story
Feb 13, 2025
My journey with pelvic floor issues began two decades ago after giving birth to my son, who weighed a whopping 10 pounds and measured almost 23 inches long. During delivery, I suffered from pudendal nerve damage, which led to incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, chronic SI joint pain, and a dropping upper vaginal vault. Despite visiting several doctors, my options were limited to doing Kegels, getting a pessary, or undergoing surgery. Unfortunately, there were no women's health physical therapists available at that time.
Hoping that a pessary could relieve my symptoms, I went for an appointment, only to learn that I was not a good candidate for it. This was partly due to my pelvis being misshapen from being hit by a drunk driver while riding my bicycle as a child. The pessary caused radiating pain in my buttocks and legs, and the urogynecologist advised me to never have a vaginal delivery again and to opt for a cesarean section if I wanted more children. Again, back then, pessary options were limited. The lack of non-invasive alternatives was frustrating, and the impact on my quality of life became increasingly apparent.
I conducted thorough research on every non-surgical program available, and while some were beneficial to some extent, none were able to address my issues. It was by chance that I stumbled upon the Pfilates website and noticed that Dr. Crawford would be conducting a workshop just four hours away from my home. As a final attempt to avoid surgery to correct all my issues, I made the decision to attend. At that point, I had nothing to lose. That decision turned out to be life-changing. The Pfilates Method not only worked for me, but it continues to work for me fifteen years later as a post-menopausal woman.
If you are currently dealing with pelvic floor issues, please know that you are not alone. We are here to assist you! I want you to know that your success is personal to me. I understand the severe impact that chronic pelvic floor issues can have on one's quality of life. Do not hesitate to embark on your healing journey with us.